Heading to Berlin - Drupal Internationalization Sprint - May 15th
Tuesday, 10 May, 2011 - 00:17
On Tuesday evening I'll be arriving in Berlin to take part into the Drupal Internationalization sprint that will last until May 15th. We'll be 20 developers focused on building better multilingual tools for Drupal. I think this is a great opportunity to give these features a push that has been needed for some time.
What I'd like to get out of this sprint:
- A stable Drupal 7 Internationalization release, finally!
- A install profile to build a specific multilingual solution with Drupal.
- Many other improvements for other multilingual tools.
Some background information for the Sprint:
- The event organization page, http://i18nsprint.drupalevents.de/
- A wiki page with topics for the sprint, http://groups.drupal.org/node/140544
- A graphical overview of the components, https://docs.google.com/drawings/edit?id=1j6rO8BFkIOmz1N8uZu7Ie5QSDJdagO...
- A tabular view of different approaches and tools, https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Aqxsrc5BVkagdFV2NkhkRjV5WXJoZjB...
- Gabor's blog post, http://hojtsy.hu/blog/2011-apr-02/drupal-internationalization-sprint-ber...
- And we'll be hanging out on the #drupal-i18n IRC channel for all those who want to participate from other locations.
I hope you can see some good news on Drupal Contributions repository after this week.